
Fun with a bot on the linux.

Coding easier way using Vim. :penguin:

Blog 4: By dru18

Vim makes it easier to making a website. It uses markdowns to do this task that makes it more easy to make a website. But when you use it as a web page for your web site it automatically get converted to HTML tags. You can save a lot of energy to do it. It uses a lot of shortcuts for it so you can edit your files faster. You don’t need to even touch your mouse till the end of the editing of your file. You can just write your code, use markdowns for it, use vim editing shortcuts and your done. Just look and compare the source code of this web page with the markdowns of this web page. For source code Right Click on this page and Choose View Source Code.

Display numbers.

:set number

Display Relative Numbers.

:set relativenumber

Display the matching bracket.

:set showmatch

Ignore the case in find mode.

:set ignorecase

Just run these commands in Vim while editing as temporary so will not see them enabled next time you run Vim or add theme to your /etc/vim/vimrc file as permanent so will get all those enabled each time you launch Vim. Some of these properties are already there in your vimrc file so you just need to uncomment them and add manually only those which you don’t see there.

Good Luck. :+1:

Install Google Chrome using .deb archive. :penguin:

Blog 3: By dru18

Done. Good Luck. :+1:

Verify your SSH :penguin:

Blog 2: By dru18

Check your SSH connection

ssh -T username@host

Verify your SSH key on GitHub for Git after adding your public ssh key to your GitHub account.

ssh -T git@github.com

Done Good Luck :+1:

How to solved server SSH hangup:penguin:

Blog 1: By dru18


It seems you are using firewall to deny incoming connections where you are blocking SSH too for incoming connections or possibly you have not install openssh-server So you need to filter it out to allow SSH for incoming connectins. ufw makes it easier to add rule in in your iptalbes to allow ssh for incoming connectins.

Install openssh-server

sudo apt install openssh-server

Install ufw

sudo apt install ufw

Enable ufw

sudo ufw enable

Check ufw status

sudo ufw status verbose

Add rule to allow SSH for incomming connections

sudo ufw allow ssh

You have finished. Now try login to your server SSH.

ssh username@server


Done. Good Luck :+1: